We are delighted that you are considering All Saints CE VA Junior, for the next part of your child’s journey.
Policies and Forms
School Details
DfE number: 3330
School Status: Aided Church of England
Address: Lea Wood Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 5AJ
School Information
All Saints Church Of England (Aided) Junior School | Hampshire County Council (
This link will take you to our school information page on the Hampshire County Council website.
It includes information such as:
- catchment map
- reports
- exam results
- budget
- Admission Policy
- Supplementary Form
- number of places
Admissions Appeals
This website details the appeals process for this year and contains the appeals timetable.
Making an admissions appeal | Hampshire County Council (
Service Children
Link to a guide to School Admissions for Service Children
In-year Admissions
- Applications should be made by completing a Local Authority Application Form available from
- If access to the internet is not available the school office will assist with the application.
- Applicants do not have to live in the school’s catchment area in order to apply.
- There are no deadlines for in-year application.
- Once an application has been made online and an account set up, its progress can be monitored by the applicant.
- A Supplementary Information Form should also be completed if the application is being made on the grounds of faith, parents working at this school or pupils who have a sibling attending this school now or in the last two years. This form is found at the top of this page.
- Once an application is made the school will determine whether a place can be offered or, if the year group is over-subscribed, the child be placed on the school’s waiting list. An offer of a place or waiting list place is sent via letter within 10 days of receipt of application. Once offered, places must be accepted or declined within 10 school days and taken up within 4 school weeks.
- The Local Authority will be notified of outcome within 2 school days.
- A place will only be refused if the required year group is over subscribed.
- Any parent or guardian who has been refused a school place for their child has the right to appeal the decision. Appeals should be notified to the school in the first instance and the school will prepare the documentation for the Independent Appeals Service. This service can be found line at: