Assessment at All Saints
Children’s progress is recorded and reported through colours and progress against age related targets. Copies of age related expectations for Mathematics, Reading and Writing can be found under the year group pages on the Curriculum tab of our website.

Critique and feedback
Inspired by the story of Austen’s Butterfly, we have embedded the practice of critique and feedback across the school. When children truly value the process of learning from their mistakes and responding to their feedback to further improve, we believe that they will become resilient, life-long learners. At All Saints, it is our aspiration that children will become ‘leaders of their own learning’ by working both independently and as members of our school community. We strive to create a community of learners who are fully immersed in their own learning adventure, taking responsibility on that journey and helping others on the way.

In action:
In a typical English learning journey, children will spend time engaging with high quality examples, including those written by other children. In partnership with their peers and the class teacher, children unpick the features of their given genre and help to create a success criteria to inform their very own learning adventure. Once the children have ownership of the success to which they’re heading, they are ready to give effective feedback to their critique partner. During writing lessons, children can be found working either individually or in partners responding to feedback that will help move their learning on.
Our children enjoy using a check list to critique and review each other’s work which includes the identification of both strengths and next steps. Taking into account both peer and teacher feedback, our children enjoy using green pens to edit their work and purple pens to ‘polish’. Our children value the drafting process and evidence of this can often be found on our Critique Galleries displayed in each classroom. With the developed understanding that effective feedback has the power to move learning on, our children are able to translate the principles of ‘kind, specific and helpful’ feedback to all curriculum areas.

Critique Partners:
Our children understand the capability they have to transform both their own and other’s learning when their feedback is effective. While this can take time to embed, our children know that feedback must be ‘kind, specific and helpful’ in order to move learning forward. Our process of critique and feedback is mostly used to develop writing within school but the culture for identifying both strengths and next steps is very much at the heart of our learning community.