Design and Technology
Design and Technology at All Saints is a practical, inspiring, creative and rigorous subject that allows all children to discover new skills and areas of expertise. Embedded in our project-based learning approach, children examine the work of past designers, developing an understanding of the impact of products on daily life. The process of design, creation, adaptation and evaluation is investigated and then applied to the children’s own creative projects, linked to current learning and real-life scenarios. Enquiry and problem-solving are on-going features of all of our DT projects.
At All Saints, our children have the opportunity to develop their analytical skills, generate and communicate their ideas to others, become increasingly independent in their selection of tools, materials and methods, and critically evaluate their own work and that of others. Building the children’s self-esteem and confidence with practical and creative skills is a key part of our DT curriculum.
Every project the children undertake, will go through the following cycle: investigate, design, make and evaluate. This is applied to the four areas of DT: textiles, structure, mechanisms and food technology with technical knowledge being a key component of each stage. Self-evaluation is taught and integrated at every step – children are continually asking themselves if their `product` is fit for purpose and how adaptations could improve its functionality.
All children at All Saints also prepare and cook a meal each year. This ranges from sandwiches in Year 3 to a full roast dinner and dessert in Year 6. The principles of a healthy and varied diet are discussed and children develop cooking techniques as they work as a team to deliver a meal to an adult within the school.
Throughout their four years at All Saints, DT allows our children to acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills which will provide a spring board for continuing interest and development in secondary school and beyond.
“Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before.”
George Couros