At All Saints, PSHE is at the heart of everything we do. Our values of Love, Respect, Community and Perseverance are threaded through the PSHE curriculum, which encourages each child to ‘Let their Light Shine’ by recognising their individuality and their place in our community. Our carefully sequenced PSHE curriculum is underpinned by our Christian ethos as set out by the Church of England’s Vision for Education.
Children are growing up in an ever-increasingly complex and changing world and we know that a rich and robust PSHE curriculum provides our children with an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future. We know that throughout their lives they will at some point deal with uncertainty, failure, change and difficult emotions. PSHE will give them a solid foundation in which they can face whatever challenging circumstances arise with confidence and hope. In our school, PSHE is more than just a subject – it is an opportunity to foster the values, attitudes and lifelong aspirations that children will need to thrive in life. It gives every child the space and opportunity to consider their beliefs and ideas about themselves and the world around them. Because of this, it is often a popular lesson!
Throughout their time at All Saints, children will explore key themes relating to Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These themes are spiral in nature so that each year children will build upon what they already know. Themes and lessons are planned in an age appropriate manner and will reflect the individual needs of the children at the time. The curriculum builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) and KS1 to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online.

Alongside our PSHE curriculum, the children at All Saints have the opportunity to take part in mindfulness and breathing sessions. These give our children the tools and strategies they need to support themselves and one another and make a genuine and positive difference to their mental health and wellbeing. In Year 6, the children have dedicated mindfulness journals, which supports them in understanding how to take care of their mental health.