Year 4 Autumn Term
Our autumn term projects are packed with outdoor learning, off-site adventure and real-life learning as the children explore their overall theme ‘Keen to be Green’. As part of this topic, Year 4 will embark on two learning adventures, allowing them to investigate and explore how we can better care for our world. The first of these exciting projects, ‘Can our small actions make a big difference?’ is launched with an insight into our school waste with the children organising the bins in the hall. This is followed up by our residential trip to the New Forest, where we learn how we can lessen our impact on the environment through responsible actions of waste management. This project is followed by a rich enquiry, ' How can we be animal advocates?’, enabling the children to put their thinking into action as they explore and investigate land use around in Fleet and the impact this has on animals - habitats and food webs.
Get ready for a term of character building, exploration, investigation and adventure – and don’t forget your wellies!
Please scroll down to see an overview of each Learning Adventure: