Reading Lists
We have compiled a reading book list for each year group. They have been compiled by our teaching teams and are designed to complement our curriculum while challenging and engaging pupils. We stock many of them in our school library, but not all.
Year 3 Reading List

Year 5 Reading List

Year 4 Reading List

Year 6 Reading List

Our Library
Our library space is often referred to as the heart of our school; with over 6000 books, reading schemes, magazines, newspapers, graphic novels and audio books – we have something on offer for everyone.
Our school librarian, Mrs Paris, works exceptionally hard to maintain and create a stimulating learning environment that promotes a love of reading. Throughout the year, our library is a hub of excitement and creativity with initiatives designed to support and encourage an enjoyment of reading.
Please scroll down for further information about the wonderful work that is carried out in our library.
Book Fairs
Twice a year we have a book fair that lasts a week. Pupils get a chance to browse the selection first before deciding if they'd like to make a purchase.

Author Visits
We regularly have authors visit us. They tell us about their books and their life as an author.
Hampshire Information Book Award
The judges for this award are Year 4 pupils. The shortlist is made up of 5 books chosen for their potential both to stimulate discussion and to reinforce the value of information books in the digital age. Last year's winner was Predators by Paul Calver and Toby Reynolds.
Hampshire Illustrated Book Award
The Hampshire Illustrated Book Award is an annual award for picture books for older readers. The judges are taken from Year 5.
The shortlist of 6 books is announced in the summer term and judging takes place in the autumn. The books are chosen for their potential to stimulate discussion.
The children vote for their favourite book and the overall winner is fed back to the School Library Service. This years winner is Where the Bugaboo Lives by Shaun Taylor and Neal Layton.

World Book Day
In the past, we enjoyed dressing up as a character from a book. The teachers loved it!
More recently, we have chosen to celebrate with 'The Big Bedtime Story' - children and staff come to school dressed for cosiness in onesies, oodies, pyjmamas and dressing gowns.
Throughout the day we enjoy a range of activities linked to books in classrooms, including ‘Secret Readers’ who pop up virtually throughout the day to inspire the children.
Year 6 Readers
We have an area in the Library for Year 6. This contains books that are more challenging and with content more suitable for their age group.