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Year 3 Autumn Term

This term, our Year 3 children will be exploring our All Saints Value of Community, launched through their very first project ‘What Makes a Community Thrive’.  As part of their very first learning adventure, the children will investigate the meaning and importance of community – taking great inspiration from our friends in The Gambia.  As we begin to celebrate Christmas and at the end of their very first term, Year 3 will reflect on our school motto ‘Let Your Light Shine’ considering how they might bring light to those both far and near through their final project 'How Can We Light Up The World'.

Please scroll down to see an overview of each Learning Adventure:

Year 3 Community Thrive 2022

Year 3 Autumn Term 

As part of our ‘What Makes a Community Thrive?’ learning journey, the Year 3 children experience what to would be like to attend a ‘Gambian market’. They take in the sights, sounds and tastes of the market to help them in their descriptive writing.

We also study our local community to understand how land is used in Fleet. We go in a local walk to record what we see. We then compare what we observed to a town called Soma, in The Gambia, considering the differences and similarities between the two locations.

Year 3 Light 2023

After half-term, we return to school and focus on the question: 'How can we light up the world?'  We quickly realise that the word ‘light’ has many meanings and can be thought of in multiple ways. In Science, we investigate various light sources and think about how light travels through materials. In RE, we think about light from a religious perspective; discussing questions such as: ‘How is Jesus the light of the world?’ and ‘Does good always overcome evil? (the story of Diwali)’. We continue our focus on religion by learning about the Hindu story of Rama and Sita, with the children creating fantastic rangoli patterns to bring colour and light to our classrooms.

The children bring their own light into the world by creating amazing light boxes in DT, which are then showcased at our Year 3 Christmas Exhibition. To make sure we get into the Christmas spirit, we learn all about the story of advent and create art work to show how the birth of Jesus brought light into the world.

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