Year 5 Autumn Term
Please scroll down to see an overview of each Learning Adventure:

In the Autumn Term, Year 5 begin the year by exploring ‘What Makes a Hero?’, starting off with discussing various heroes and villains around the world, both in the real world and in our favourite films.
We explored various classic tales, discussed who is the real hero in each and wrote our own foundling tale featuring our very own hero! Later, we were introduced to the story of King Arthur and Sir Lancelot, eventually writing our own legend, based on the story of ‘Sir Lancelot’s First Quest’.
For our outcome to this topic, the children visited care homes in Fleet where each class had the chance to read their work to the residents. An outcome that was enjoyed by all!
Our Roy Lichtenstein inspired art.

After half term, we travelled back in time to explore what life was like in Fleet during the Victorian Era. We began with Treehouse Theatre leading us with a ‘Play in a Day’. The children also explored different Victorian activities, including handwriting with fountain pens, parlour games and making our own thaumatrope.
With our new driving question, ‘What would my life have been like 150 years ago?’, we explored differences in childhoods in the Victorian times and modern day, including a school trip to the Rural Life Living Museum.
Using the text ‘Street Child’, we are introduced to Jim Jarvis, a child in London who has been forced to the workhouse!
Parents are then invited in to look at work for the Year 5 Great Exhibition.