At All Saints Junior School we feel whole-heartedly that music contributes to the development of the whole child emotionally, spiritually and socially. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. It creates in the child a sense of belonging, purpose and enjoyment and crosses all boundaries of race, faith and nation.
We believe that music is a unique and powerful form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act.
Learning music develops all aspects of a child’s learning, from the physical action of using an instrument to the mathematical skills needed to create pattern and pulse. These abilities are openly transferable to other areas of the curriculum, allowing them to flourish, and will be invaluable in their future life.
Our music curriculum aims to provide all pupils with a high-quality music education that engages and inspires children to develop a life-long love of music. Through music the children increase their self-confidence, creativity and imagination and are provided with opportunities for self-expression and a sense of personal achievement, ensuring that every child fulfils their musical potential.
At All Saints, Music is taught across all year groups providing engaging, lively and interactive lessons that, where possible, link with the year groups learning journey. The curriculum explores history, tradition and culture from the UK and other countries around the world. Lessons incorporate the teaching of the Interrelated Dimensions of Music including; pitch, tempo and dynamics to name a few. The children are also given opportunities to develop their singing, playing, listening and responding, composing and performing skills through a range of activities, which are built on each year, allowing for good progression. The curriculum offered combines planning provided by the Hampshire Music Service, as well as our own, allowing for a broad and balanced range of learning.
We are very proud of the additional music learning on offer, which includes being able to learn instruments such as the recorder, ukulele and steel pans within class music lessons.
Singing is a highly important part of our music curriculum. Weekly Praising God assemblies take place that allow us to foster the love of singing across the whole school. In these, we teach the children how to sing with a sense of pitch and melody and to develop their listening skills to help them feel the beat.
“Where words fail, music speaks.”
Hans Christian Andersen
At All Saints Junior School we are proud to say that we love music and how it enables our children to have fun and let their light shine!
“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Alongside the music curriculum, our children are provided with a vast array of additional musical opportunities including; peripatetic lessons (woodwind, brass, string, percussion), choir, orchestra, Young Voices concert and further music concerts and festivals to show off their talents both in and out of school. Please visit our ‘Arts and Sports’ tab to find out more about our extra-curricular offer.