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EAL and Cultural Diversity

Welcome to our EAL and Cultural Diversity page.

Destiny Africa Visit

This September we were very fortunate to have a visit from Destiny Africa - https://www.destinyafrica.org/ - an organisation who bring hope and music to the lives of young people in Uganda, many who have been orphaned.  They were inspirational in so many ways. The group, who ranged in ages from adults to just 9 years old, sang, drummed and acted for us!

The group took part in our Harvest Festival service before running an African Drumming workshop with our Year 3 pupils. They spent lunctime enjoying the autumn sunshine and performing songs for us.

Cultural Tea Mornings

As a school, we extend our warmest invite to our Cultural tea mornings at 8.30 -9.30am in the Community Room. The event is organised by All Saints Junior School in order to provide an opportunity for you to:

▪ Meet other parents/carers with Hong Kongnese heritage and bi-lingual (Cantonese and English) children and widen your community support network.

▪ Meet the professionals working with your children.

▪ Share how we as a school can help and support you, your children and your family, with settling in your new school and community. We are here for you!

▪ Ask questions about anything: school, support, curriculum…. We are here to help!

▪ Enjoy the warmth and kindness in this community !

We look forward to meeting you soon.


EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service)

We hosted an EMTAS Parent Event at All Saints. Taking place on Monday, 26th February 2024, this event gave insights into the services offered by the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service. Thank you to those who joined us for an informative session where the advisory teacher from EMTAS shared resources and strategies to support bilingual or multilingual learners at home.


Chinese New Year

On Wednesday, February 7th, we celebrated Chinese New Year. It truly was an exciting day filled with engaging activities, including enjoying delightful Chinese style school dinners, unleashing creativity through Chinese New Year themed art & crafts, and uniting as a school community in a vibrant and informative assembly. Thank you to Mrs Neighbour for all her hard work and to Vanessa in the School Kitchen for the wonderful Chinese lunch.

Chinese Exchange Students

We had the pleasure of hosting 2 Chinese exchange students, Justin, Year 3 and Yang, Year 6 for 3 weeks in February 2024. They experienced all aspects of life at All Saints and enjoyed their time in class. Thank you to Miss Stevenson and 3ES, and Mr Patton and 6JP for welcoming these students into our community. Their families kindly bought some of the wonderful Chinese New Year decorations that you will have seen around school.


As part of our commitment to enriching all of our students' understanding of different cultures and fostering a sense of community, we celebrated the festival of Diwali on Wednesday 15th November 2023 in All Saints! 

We are delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the incredible children who brought our Diwali celebration to life! The entire school community was immersed in the joyous spirit of the festival, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of all our students in the assembly, art and craft activities, and the creation of vibrant Diwali-themed art and Rangoli patterns under the guidance of Mrs. Brunton. A special commendation goes to Avyan, Atiksh, Loveleen, Mihir, Kunthi, Alisha and Adesh (Year 6) and Darshan (Year 4), who took the lead in the assembly, sharing their knowledge about Diwali and their cultural celebrations. Their bravery, commitment, and time invested in making this event a success have truly enriched our community. Thank you for fostering cultural awareness and creating memorable experiences for us all.

Languages Day

These images capture the spirit and enthusiasm, diversity and the celebration of multiculturalism of our school community, and we believe they should be shared.

Wow! What a fantastic day we had celebrating languages around the world. It was wonderful to see so many children dressed in traditional clothing and clothes representing the colours of their link country.

We started the day with assembly in the hall decorated with international flag bunting. Selected children shared a greeting or part of a traditional story in a language other than English – they did an incredible job and showed such courage! We are really proud of them.

Russian, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Bengali, 

Ukranian, Turkish, Hebrew, Polish, 

British Sign Language, Afrikaans, Nepali, 

Romanian and Hindi

On top of fun activities in the classrooms and an Italian-themed lunch, the children also enjoyed ‘story time’ in another language read by visitors or members of staff. 

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